Tuesday 30 April 2013

What a beautiful sunny day we have here in South Wales today, I hope it is a sign of the hot summer that surely lies ahead. I cannot believe we are in May tomorrow, where does the time go.  It is so easy for us all to get caught up in the midst of our everyday life that we miss the simple things in life.

At every opportunity I take time out to go for a walk around the village where I live, it is a gentle calming place which has a sense of security and well being in its centre.  It often takes me much longer to walk the route I take as I meet so many people to chat to, smiley, happy, positive people who just enjoy the stillness of the place I call home.

This morning the birds are chattering away outside my office window as the sun streams in and lights up my desk, beyond their song lies silence and it is when we sit in the silence of our world that we can hear the most. 

The silent voice that only we can hear, our intution often carries the message we need to hear at the time we need it most.  If you have a burning question that you long to be answered then take a seat with silence and you will find that the answer to the question in your mind lies within your heart.

As I sat many years ago wondering what to do next I wrote 'Silence' and today I would like to share it with you:


Can you hear it?
There it is again
Near you
All around you

There it was
Didn't you hear it
For a moment
Just then
If you are quiet
And you listen
You will hear it
The sound of silence
You spoke
It is still there
Beyond your voice
In the distance

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