Saturday 26 November 2011

The Big City of London...

Today's memory is bought to you from 1986! It's strange that although time passes memories can manage to transport you back to a place in time as if you were still there.  In 1986 I moved from my quiet village life to the big city of London. I remember my sister saying to me, 'If you are going to move out of home and away why don't you go somewhere closer, Cardiff maybe?'  Well never one to do things by half I didn't listen and took myself off to live in London.

I remember visiting London in 1981 and as I sat in Trafalgar Square I thought, I would love to live here and one day I will!

I don't think looking back there were many in my close circle who understood why I would take myself off to London with no knowledge of living outside a small village, having no friends to go to nor in fact anywhere to live, but I did have a job so surely it would be OK, this was my logic.

As I arrived in London and to my new job I was excited along with thrilled to have the opportunity to live out one of my dreams, or visions as I know them to be today.  I was extremely lucky to of secured a job in the photographic industry working as a manager in a 1 hour photo outlet in Piccadilly Circus, right in the center of this amazing city.  I had a team of staff and worked alongside two other managers, it truly was a magical time.

I did find a place to live however it was small dingy bedsit outside of London in Stretham, not ideal but it was home for three months until I moved to North London and shared a flat with my now dear friend Lori.  We had crazy fun times filled with laughter through which many friendships were built and many parties held.

Living in North London meant an Underground journey in and out of the city to work and it is this memory that I recalled a few weeks ago when I returned to London to attend a conference.

I have now ironically returned to my home village and its quiet life but in October as I traveled across the city to Kensington I recalled the many journeys I had made all those years ago.  As a young manager I had no idea that in the future I would own my business through which I would then be attending the  'Millionaires Bootcamp for Women' conference.  The journey seemed surreal and it struck me that although the years have passed and my life situation has changed many times some things just seemed to stand still.

Travelling on the Underground the trains were at times still crowded, the queues for the lifts at the station were still the same, party goers from the night before still traveled home the next day in their fancy dress outfits.  The city streets of London were still crowded, maybe more so today but somehow they seemed just as crowded way back then too.  The florist and the newspaper stands are still outside the station doors and the air is still filled with the fumes of the traffic.

Today I coach others on change and how it is possible to live the life you desire.  Looking back whilst on my journey through the streets of London I realized that I may of traveled the streets of time but inside the young girl who took off and left village life is still as excited about new adventures as she was back then.

At this time look around you, what has changed about you and what has remained the same?  We are all capable of changing what we don't like it just takes confidence and self belief.  Look back at where you have traveled and recapture that something that caused a stir inside, feel that excitement.

If it is possible revisit one of your old haunts and relive a few old memories, they will make you smile and I believe transport you back to  a time when you believed anything was possible.  Stand tall and stride forth with purpose towards your future. While you are there dream up some new adventures and go for them - I believe it will still be as exhilarating now as it was when you first visited, let your old memories stir up your future plans.

Have a great week ahead and join me again for another memory which again will lead me to share with you the part it has played on my journey to the positive life I live today.

Awaken - 'Lighting your journey ahead'

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Today's memory is of my time spent in the English class at school.  One of my favourite subjects was English and I would look forward to the lessons far more than most other subjects.  Looking back it was probably because there were times when you were allowed to daydream with the added bonus of then having to write them down.  I now understand that it was the writing I enjoyed far more than learning about English,with its grammar, punctuation and spelling!

At the age of 13 when it came to choosing my subjects to study I was told I couldn't study for English O'level, the class was full! I remember to this day having the conversation with the teacher, whose name I have forgotten, explaining to her that it was the only subject I really wanted to take an O'level in.  I was categorically told that it was not possible and that I would have to sit the C.S.E exam instead, this seemed so unfair.  It was explained to me that there was no point in sitting the O'level anyway as I probably wouldn't pass. Oh such faith!

As I left that school room I clearly remember saying to the teacher, 'I'll show you, I will write a book one day' I then went on to sit the C.S.E exam which I passed and it was of no surprise to me to pass O'level English at college 3 years after I left school.

As the years passed I would tell all those that would listen that I was going to write a book,  I have in fact visualised the cover of it for 12 years, never knowing the title nor the content.  It was an important vision and dream, along with so many things I was going to make happen.

Now you may be wondering what this has to do with The Journey of the Sunflower and why that memory is so important to me.  Well if you have been following my blog and the journey of my company 'Awaken' on facebook and twitter you will  understand.  The last 2 months I have been completely absorbed with the writing of my first book, I have found myself back in the schoolroom of my mind. I have been inspired by others to get on and write it, so that is exactly what I have done.

I have found writing the book liberating as it releases my story through depression and along the path to recovery.  It has made me lighter, brighter and more relaxed, it has expanded my mind plus bought along many new learning's.  Writing the book became easier as it went along and now I find myself in the next stage, getting it proof read, designed, formatted and published.

I have started marketing the book so by its launch date in January it is alive in peoples minds, I have a vision to hold a launch party in a gallery and I will do just that.  I am fortunate to have met so many people who have assisted this project and who have / are helping me bring it to life. I have generated additional social media accounts and a new website in design goes live in 2 weeks.

To follow on twitter - beverleygjones
Facebook - Beverley Jones - Writer

During my coaching sessions the message I pass to to others is, that whatever your dream follow it, do not let people take it away and rob you of its existence.  If there is something you dream about then it is real for you and that is the most important factor, you and you alone can make it happen.

So this week - take some time to think about a childhood dream you have held.  Have you achieved it? if not, why not, what's stopping you?

Have a great week and join me for another memory soon which will lead me to share with you the part it has played on my journey to the positive life I live today.

Awaken - 'Lighting your journey ahead'

Monday 26 September 2011

Visulisation at its best!

Todays memory is of more recent times but it comes from such an important time in my life that I want to take this opportunity to share it with you!

In 2009 I  went through a  burn out situation from work which resulted in a period of depression and anxiety.  During this time I suffered a great deal from negative thinking and found myself as a result in negative situations.  ( For those who want to read more, my story of this time and how I came thorugh it will soon be available in a book).

At this time I really didnt know where to turn next however I had been fortunate in the previous year to come across a book by a delightful lady - Sue Stone - Love Life, Live Life.  I can honestly tell you that at this point in my life I certainly didnt love my life nor where I was. As I struggled to come to terms with my illness I picked up Sues book and realised that through the process of believing and visulisation I could turn my life around to a life I loved!

As my illness lead me down the route of having to leave my corporate role I found myself in a position of having to re-think what it was I wanted to do with my life.  I carried out a lot of research and thought a lot before it came to me that the most important thing in my life was the care I had for others.  As I spoke to friends I was guided towards taking the journey of becomng a Life and Business Coach - just like Sue.  This lady had a truely inspiring story and I found myself thinking - I too want to inspire others and help them live thier life and dreams to the full.

I read and re-read  the book and listened to Sue's CD and decided that I could do this - using the tools Sue provides in the book I set out on my journey.

I held a very strong visulisation in my heart that one day I would meet Sue Stone, I would introduce myself to her and indeed work with her in getting the message of  Positivity, Love and Happiness across the globe. I held onto this as I studied for my diploma but soon realised through the studying that while I was keen to get a qualification it was my life experience that could help to inspire others the most.

I started my business in Aug 2010 and passed on the tools I had come across in life .....  I followed Sue on the social media and communicated with her via E.mails / newsletters etc. Now for somebody who preaches about the Law of Attraction and the various ways in which you can 'Make your life Happen' - you wouldn't think it would come as a surprise to find an E.Mail in my inbox from Sue in June 2011 inviting people to train with her and become an Accredited Sue Stone Coach whereby you would become part of the Sue Stone Foundation - well a surprise it was.

I was elated - I couldnt wait to apply and I am very proud to say that on the 8th and 9th of September I attended and completed the training and my VISION is now my REALITY!!

I share this story with anyone who will listen hence why I have shared it with you... it is important as I do not class myself as a Text Book coach,  I coach from experience and by sharing my stories inspire others to live thier life to the full.

This week take a moment to think about something you really WANT, you must be clear in your desire (again Clairity is covered more in my soon to be published book), write down your aspiration, give it feeling, fall in love with it and imagine how you will feel when you acheive it.

I have many other visions which I know are attainable - my vision boards take pride of place in my office - remember 'Believe you can and you will'

Have a great week and join me next week for another memory which again will lead me to share with you the part it has played on my journey to the positive live I live today.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Taking 'Time out'.......

Todays memory is bought to you from a time when I literally took 'Time Out' - I thought this relevent at this present time as I have had to take 'Time Out' from writing this blog.  This 'Time Out' came about due to my computer time being limited as result of commitments which took me away from my office enviroment, this in itself has been a good opportunity as it has provided me with time to meet others and travel around the UK to increase my wealth of knowledge and training.

In February 2001 I decided to take some 'Time Out' as I felt my life needed to change direction although at that time I had no idea what that was.  Having spent 17 years in the photo industry I wanted to move on, but to what?  I had always had a burning desire to visit Ireland so in February 2001 I booked a flight and a hotel and did just that - spent the weekend in Ireland.

It was while walking around Dublin I realised this was it! this was the change - I would move to Ireland, since I was 12 years of age I would tell people I will live in Ireland one day! - Little did I know or understand the power of the Law of Attraction or indeed Visulisation, so in my innocence I believe I literally had bought my dreams to reality!

On my return to the UK I informed anybody that would listen of my plan - I set about researching it on the internet and returned to Dublin in March 2001 with several recruitment agency appoitments lined up - I walked the streets of Dublin for 7 hours but with blisters on my feet I left that day with 3 job interviews in the bag. 

What happened next?
Well I set about my vision - using pictures and constant research I attended those interviews with a belief that I was destined to live and work in Ireland.  In June 2001 my dream became my reality as I started my career with a fleet hire company and moved to an amazing apartment overlooking the sea in Sandycove.

I take the learnings from this memory forward today in my life and in coaching others - it is important that if your intution indicates it is time to make a change then it is about taking stock of where you are and listening to your inner voice.  Change is not about rushing into anything but it is about knowing that it can be for the good - On taking 'Time Out' of your everyday life - it can be a day, a weekend, a week but taking serious time to contemplate where you are and where you would like to be is something important to all of us.

As I say to others 'The answers to the questions in your mind, lie within your heart...' - this is so true, but if you dont sit queit and let your heart answer then it will not come to you for it will not interupt your daily life, you will know deep inside that a change or a move is required so give it space to inspire you to move forward. Be still and listen...

So this week - take some ME time - you will have to make time to do this as our lives can be so busy that they get caught up in the doing instead of the thinking - sit quiet and contemplate what you would like your future to look like.  It may be you too need to take a trip away for a couple of days to allow the answers to come, if so do some research and book that trip.

Have a great week and join me on Friday for another memory which again will lead me to share with you the part it has played on my journey to the positive life I live today.

Awaken - 'Lighting your journey ahead'

Friday 19 August 2011

Remember the days of the old school yard......

Todays memory is bought to you from my school days.  Last week I decided to put into place some exercise! This entailed a Zumba class at my old village school.  Over the years I have visited the school premises on many occasions,school fetes, harvest suppers even bingo... however this time was different.

The school in Raglan has many classrooms in various buildings - some not used now due to their condition, however what makes my visit this time different was that on previous occasions I visited all the newer buildings / hall but this time I entered through the very door I went through every day in my junior years!

As I turned to go through the door I remembered how proud I was the day the headmaster chose me to ring the school bell - such a small task but I felt so important.  The coat hooks that still hung in the same place were tiny and only at elbow height today - I remember standing on tippy toes to reach them back then - how cute they looked.

As I walked into the hall I looked around in awe, the vast hall had surely shrunk, the benches and gym equipment was never that small was it? - ah I sighed I guess it was.

The Zumba trainer turned up then with her Iphone and speaker and suddenly I didn't want to do Zumba I wanted to do country dancing - just like I used to.  I wanted to recapture the fun and sheer abundance of lack of self consciousness that I had as a child. To dance around the room as if I was in the biggest ballroom in the land. 

The room soon filled with ladies and the music started up - I was lost in the moment and re-lived my memories through the energised dance routines we were put through.  It was great fun and left me with a feeling of again how good it is to be home.

This memory of my school days is a lead to my thinking today - it is important we all hold that child within us and at times take time to just sit, then breathe deeply whilst we bring a little of that abundant child energy  forth to lift us.

As children physical items appeared huge, we had to stretch to reach them, as we know all thats happened is that as adults our physical bodies have got bigger therefore the physical items appear to have shrunk.  Just because that coat hook seemed so high up as a child, did we leave our coats on the floor - NO - we stretched ourselves to reach them.

This weekend, look up - are your dreams and aspirations so high you can't actually reach them today? - what are you going to do, walk away and leave your dreams fall to the floor or are you, as you did as a child, going to stand on tippy toes to stretch that little bit further so that someday soon you will be able to hang your coat on the success hook  of your dreams.

Have a great week and join me next Friday for another memory which again will lead me to share with you the part it has played on my journey to the positive life I live today.
Awaken - 'Lighting your journey ahead'

Friday 12 August 2011

Holidays.... of yester-year and today!

As I was away on holiday last week there was no blog from me...... although my holiday destination leads very much into recalling a memory of yester-year!!

I spent my holiday at Butlins Minehead and then onto Weston Super Mare.... both places which held special memories of special people and fun times.  While I was growing up I had the influence of a very special lady in my life - my little nan - she may of been under 5ft tall but her wisdom and care for others was enormous.  I spent part of my summer holidays with my nan every year and she would accompany my parents and I to Butlins for our August trip.

We had enjoyed such a trip to Butlins the year before she died... I remember she bought me a pink towel for my move to the big school in the September. My nan would ensure that laughter was always key to every day, In the evenings falling out of bed having tried to race me to be first in bed was not out of the norm.  My mum was horrified to find us both in fits of giggles with my nan, aged 71 lying between the 2 beds on the floor, no harm done she assured my mum. We were like 2 teenagers the 60 years age gap didnt exist in our world.

My nan had an exceptional way about her, she never had a bad word to say about anyone and was a kind, gentle soul.  On arriving at Butlins this year I held her memory close,  the surroundings had changed a great deal but the spirit of my nan and the way she knew how to have fun was never far away. I hadn't visited Butlins since my nan died and this years holiday was a reminder of many lessons my nan had taught me.

Next week will see the 36th annivesary of my nans passing.  I will take time on this day to remember my nan as I do often with love and admiration.  She may of been my little nan but boy, did she have power!

Today I take many learnings from my nan forward to those I coach and talk with. I explain how important it is to give out good, everybody needs an understanding of whatever happens they do have a choice in how to live thier life.

Life is about you and those whose lives you touch with your presence but remember it is also about having fun on the way.

This weekend look into your childhood holiday memories and take a snippet of how you felt then and store this feeling inside to carry with you  as you walk tall,walk straight and look the world right in the eye - she may of  been under 5ft but thats what my nan did and its a valuable lesson to us all.  By doing this you are facing your future full on  and as a result will follow the direction of your dreams.

Have a great week and join me next Friday for another memory which again will lead me to share with you the part it has played on my journey to the positive life I live today.

Awaken - 'Lighting your journey ahead'

13 of 3

Saturday 30 July 2011

19 House Moves!

This weeks blog recalls a memory- a memory of my first house move many years ago. My parents and I literally moved just across the village, it was a hot sunny day in July and in fact my birthday.  I can't remember having much to do with that move except feeling a touch of sadness in leaving my old home - the one I was born in, mixed with a feeling of excitment in having a new home with a much bigger bedroom!!

I spent the day looking after my 2 young cousins who at that time lived in the village - being my birthday they had bought me a present, a blue cheesecloth check shirt which tied at the waist - bit of an age give away eh?  I loved that shirt, think I wore it until it fell apart!

This week I moved house AGAIN.... this time it was my 19th house move. House moves that have taken me to London, Dublin, back to Wales and now Home, (all of which you will get to read about in future blogs)... Yep I have after 25 years returned to my home village and it is a great feeling to be back..

As I have in every move, I felt a touch of sadness in leaving my old home and again it was mixed with a feeling of excitment in having a new home. As I unpacked in my kitchen boxes last night I found items which have linked me to all of my moves and remembered them all with fondness.  I tend to de-clutter on a regular basis which does help when you are moving around.  My new home is filled with a positive energy which feels right for the exciting future which lies ahead.

Through all my moves I have found change to be re-freshing and uplifting, a way to dust off the cobwebs and take another step forward on my journey.  Change is not something to be feared but to be embraced as a positive in life, without change life becomes stagnent and boredom can set in.

My moves were changes that I felt I had to make, some say I was brave but it is not a question of bravery but belief... Belief in yourself that whatever choices you make if you make them using your intution and if  they arrive firstly as that feeling deep inside then they are right for you.

There are many changes that can be made to everyday life which can ensure that the soul is lifted.  You don't have to make huge changes, just a change in routine, eating habits or the decision to have more time for yourself, any changes however large or small will always have an effect on your life.

Remember if you make a change and it doesn't live up to your expectations this is not a failure of the change - it is merely an opportunity that didn't work out!

This weekend take some time out for yourself - think about any changes you would like to make, do they feel right? will they make you smile? - have you been putting off that need for change?

Be inspired and motivated to do something for you this week - Be brave you can do it....

Have a great weekend and join me next Friday for another memory which again will lead me to share with you the part it has played on my journey to the positive life I live today.

Awaken - 'Lighting your journey ahead'

Friday 22 July 2011

Welcome to My Journey, My Story, My Blog

Through this blog I will take you on a journey which passes between memories of my past and present day.  You will be introduced to people, situations and experiences which in turn have all woven their way into the rich tapestry of my life.
I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I will enjoy sharing it with you!

The Journey of the Sunflower starts here:

I count myself lucky in that I have an amazing memory.  As a result of this I am able to re-call memories from every decade of my life so far.

This weeks blogs recalls a memory of my Grandfather... a Grandfather who was a hero of mine, a strong man with strong views and strong arms to lift you up when you fell.  When I was at a very young age my Grandfather built me a swing in the apple tree that stood outside the sitting room window, that swing was a joy and taught me to reach for the heights above!

As his strong capable hands tied the knots over the branches I watched with anticipation.  The wooden seat was tested by him so he could be sure it was safe for me. It was on that swing, although I didn't realise it then, that I learnt by sheer determination and belief you can aspire to rise to any heights you want. I loved that swing and even take great joy in hopping on to a swing at any time I get to visit a park today.

This week on the 20th July  it would of been my Grandfathers 104th birthday, it is with great joy that I know that even though he passed on many years ago he has left me with that determination and a belief to aim high.  If you reach for the moon then you have a chance of reaching it, you will meet many stars along the way and be sure you never to forget to thank them for joining you on your journey.

On the anniversary of his birthday this week I facilitated my 1st 'High Confidence Strategies for Entrepreneurs Workshop' - I spent a great day coaching a group of participants who all have fab businesses. Through sharing my motivational message to aim high, believe and be determined I am sure these Entrepreneurs will enjoy a successful journey ahead.

This weekend think about your dreams and pitch them high - stand tall and take a swing towards them.

Have a great week and join me next Friday for another memory which again will lead me to share with you the part it has played on my journey to the positive life I live today.

Awaken - 'Lighting your journey ahead'