Saturday 23 March 2013

I give in!

As another vision became reality in 2012 and I became a published author, as a result many can't understand why I don't blog on a regular basis.

The answer is I have no idea....I write daily posts on the 'Awaken Life Coaching' facebook page through which I receive great feedback, I send out an inspirational quote every Monday to those who have signed up to my monthly newsletter, I send out regular newsletters to my database, I send cards and letters, I guest blog for others, I write / publish Ebooks and I write articles... so you tell me why I don't blog!!

Anyway today following another 'Awaken' workshop I have been persuaded again to start to blog my poetry, it is this at present that has no platform.  I have bags of poetry that I have written over the years, when it sees light and people read it I gain positive feedback along with a wonderment of why it has never been shared.

If you have read my book 'Made it Thru the Rain' you will know that in 2009 I crashed out of the corporate world and travelled a journey through the dark days of depression. In this book each chapter of my book does in fact start with a poem, so it seemed a natural course to share this genre of my writing with you.

As I read a number of my old poems now I can sometimes see sadness in the lines, a lot of them were written at the times I suffered a bruised heart, it was my dad that told me a heart gets bruised but it never breaks! I will share many of these poems with you as well as the happier ones and the ones I wrote for my family.

I may even share some of my dear nans poetry, she sadly passed away when I was only twelve but I know she would be chuffed to see that a number of her works were now being shared publically.

Today I will share a poem that was written when I was re-entering the world of relationships, having had my heart bruised it was with trepidation...


Hold me
Not too tight
But just for a moment.....before you leave
This time it's for real
I can feel it
But I need the security of your touch
You run your fingers through my hair
Your lips touch a breeze on a warm summers day
You let go
You walk away
You turn as you open the door

You smile
'See you tonight'- you call
I laugh at my own