Saturday 26 November 2011

The Big City of London...

Today's memory is bought to you from 1986! It's strange that although time passes memories can manage to transport you back to a place in time as if you were still there.  In 1986 I moved from my quiet village life to the big city of London. I remember my sister saying to me, 'If you are going to move out of home and away why don't you go somewhere closer, Cardiff maybe?'  Well never one to do things by half I didn't listen and took myself off to live in London.

I remember visiting London in 1981 and as I sat in Trafalgar Square I thought, I would love to live here and one day I will!

I don't think looking back there were many in my close circle who understood why I would take myself off to London with no knowledge of living outside a small village, having no friends to go to nor in fact anywhere to live, but I did have a job so surely it would be OK, this was my logic.

As I arrived in London and to my new job I was excited along with thrilled to have the opportunity to live out one of my dreams, or visions as I know them to be today.  I was extremely lucky to of secured a job in the photographic industry working as a manager in a 1 hour photo outlet in Piccadilly Circus, right in the center of this amazing city.  I had a team of staff and worked alongside two other managers, it truly was a magical time.

I did find a place to live however it was small dingy bedsit outside of London in Stretham, not ideal but it was home for three months until I moved to North London and shared a flat with my now dear friend Lori.  We had crazy fun times filled with laughter through which many friendships were built and many parties held.

Living in North London meant an Underground journey in and out of the city to work and it is this memory that I recalled a few weeks ago when I returned to London to attend a conference.

I have now ironically returned to my home village and its quiet life but in October as I traveled across the city to Kensington I recalled the many journeys I had made all those years ago.  As a young manager I had no idea that in the future I would own my business through which I would then be attending the  'Millionaires Bootcamp for Women' conference.  The journey seemed surreal and it struck me that although the years have passed and my life situation has changed many times some things just seemed to stand still.

Travelling on the Underground the trains were at times still crowded, the queues for the lifts at the station were still the same, party goers from the night before still traveled home the next day in their fancy dress outfits.  The city streets of London were still crowded, maybe more so today but somehow they seemed just as crowded way back then too.  The florist and the newspaper stands are still outside the station doors and the air is still filled with the fumes of the traffic.

Today I coach others on change and how it is possible to live the life you desire.  Looking back whilst on my journey through the streets of London I realized that I may of traveled the streets of time but inside the young girl who took off and left village life is still as excited about new adventures as she was back then.

At this time look around you, what has changed about you and what has remained the same?  We are all capable of changing what we don't like it just takes confidence and self belief.  Look back at where you have traveled and recapture that something that caused a stir inside, feel that excitement.

If it is possible revisit one of your old haunts and relive a few old memories, they will make you smile and I believe transport you back to  a time when you believed anything was possible.  Stand tall and stride forth with purpose towards your future. While you are there dream up some new adventures and go for them - I believe it will still be as exhilarating now as it was when you first visited, let your old memories stir up your future plans.

Have a great week ahead and join me again for another memory which again will lead me to share with you the part it has played on my journey to the positive life I live today.

Awaken - 'Lighting your journey ahead'

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