Monday 23 July 2012

Well as I fast approach my first two years in business I look back and wonder how I made it all happen!
There is so much to learn to at times there appears to be nobody that can tell you where to find the answers, there are plenty of business coaches, plenty of books, plenty of those who apparently can get you loads more clients and raise your cashflow almost overnight... but if you are in business then you will know then while this is great to hear the road often is not that easy.
Following thirty years in corporate I was fortunate to understand a number of the basics and that I found out was literally all I knew.
Boy did I have a steep learning curve, they say a lot of businesses give up in the first two years and it is easy to understand why!
As a coach I soon understood that selling service is harder when you don't have a product so to this end I have over my time in business been building a number of products, including a book through which I can assist, inspire and help others.
My first download product is launching on August 2nd and its title says it all

'The Secret's Out' -

This product will quite literally take you through many aspects of setting up a business, it will explain in honest, simple to understand terms what the difference is between advertising and marketing along with why if you get these the wrong way round you will pay a dear price! It will walk you through networking and why social media is so important to your business, this is just the start... this is a 50 page coaching programme based on the fundamentals of starting and running a small business, it has videos and worksheets for you to complete along with some audio coaching.

This  product you will ensure you will be eligible to join 'The Sunflower Business Forum' where you can ask fellow members questions about your business, I will sit in on this forum once a week along with a computer expert and we will find you the answers you require.  Once a week I will coach one member through a Power Breakthrough Session to assist you with ideas to grow.

If you would like to know more and how you can spend time in front of one of my mentors who is indeed one of UK's finest Self-Made Millionaires and Author please join me for this 'FREE' webinar on Thursday July 26th at

To not join us at these 'Free' event could indeed be costly to your business....

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