As I was away on holiday last week there was no blog from me...... although my holiday destination leads very much into recalling a memory of yester-year!!
I spent my holiday at Butlins Minehead and then onto Weston Super Mare.... both places which held special memories of special people and fun times. While I was growing up I had the influence of a very special lady in my life - my little nan - she may of been under 5ft tall but her wisdom and care for others was enormous. I spent part of my summer holidays with my nan every year and she would accompany my parents and I to Butlins for our August trip.
We had enjoyed such a trip to Butlins the year before she died... I remember she bought me a pink towel for my move to the big school in the September. My nan would ensure that laughter was always key to every day, In the evenings falling out of bed having tried to race me to be first in bed was not out of the norm. My mum was horrified to find us both in fits of giggles with my nan, aged 71 lying between the 2 beds on the floor, no harm done she assured my mum. We were like 2 teenagers the 60 years age gap didnt exist in our world.
My nan had an exceptional way about her, she never had a bad word to say about anyone and was a kind, gentle soul. On arriving at Butlins this year I held her memory close, the surroundings had changed a great deal but the spirit of my nan and the way she knew how to have fun was never far away. I hadn't visited Butlins since my nan died and this years holiday was a reminder of many lessons my nan had taught me.
Next week will see the 36th annivesary of my nans passing. I will take time on this day to remember my nan as I do often with love and admiration. She may of been my little nan but boy, did she have power!
Today I take many learnings from my nan forward to those I coach and talk with. I explain how important it is to give out good, everybody needs an understanding of whatever happens they do have a choice in how to live thier life.
Life is about you and those whose lives you touch with your presence but remember it is also about having fun on the way.
This weekend look into your childhood holiday memories and take a snippet of how you felt then and store this feeling inside to carry with you as you walk tall,walk straight and look the world right in the eye - she may of been under 5ft but thats what my nan did and its a valuable lesson to us all. By doing this you are facing your future full on and as a result will follow the direction of your dreams.
Have a great week and join me next Friday for another memory which again will lead me to share with you the part it has played on my journey to the positive life I live today.
Awaken - 'Lighting your journey ahead'
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